Saturday, September 6, 2008

Always Late

photo by try-whistling-this
Here I am. Finally entering this vast domain.

I am always late with electronics/technology. For Example-In 3rd grade I got a red WalkMan for Christmas with an Arrested Development tape. I was so pumped about that and then, just when I had finished reading the instructions, CD players came out and I refused to learn the new technology and thus carried that red tape "deck" into my middle school years (not cool).

Nevertheless, high school made popular the "mixed tape" and I was "in" all over again. I had stacks of mixed tapes and still have many of them in a box somewhere. If you got in my momivan right now you would see tapes- (yes, my "wheels" sport a tape player AND a CD player- which I rarely use.)

Fast forward from high school and enter college with me...I learned how to email in my junior year by FORCE in the campus computer lab. I had no plans to ever do the email thing and then, after 5 semesters of college bliss, a single syllabus REQUIRED it. I was so scared I would fail and so I caved and after the 6th week of skating by on open forums, the professor escorted me to the lab and got me set up. Just to show a little rebellion, I picked a boring name, my own, not something cute and clever, and of course the Prof. could care less. But that is how I dig my heels in...I try and not get crafty.

But as you will see as I blog more, that hurts only me and no one else. So here I am forcing myself to face these technological demons and blog myself into the cosmos. I still need to figure out the picture thing and get some pretties on here and set up some housekeeping, but in the meantime, I want to share what is wandering around in my heart, brain, life and of course my home and hopefully get some creative discussion going!


ctroutma said...

Congrats on getting it set up my love. I can't wait to see all the interesting things you will be sharing!

Mama said...

Yay! I am so excited to read my friendliest's blog:) Have fun learning!