Sunday, October 5, 2008

Getting Motivated

I have been considering going to Graduate school amidst my already heavy load of responsibilities. And then I met with a friend last night and I realized that if all I really want to do right now is write, then I should spend my time and energy doing just that and not worry so much about passing GRE's and writing research papers that don't truly interest me. Sooo, I am not going to say that I won't be going, but I will say that I think I will go to a writer's conference and really begin to develop my ideas. I have a lot of ideas. Also- a writer's group will be forming consisting of a few young people who want to bounce ideas off of each other and be relevant to our current generation. Email if you are interested. It is amazing what a few hours in creative discussion can do to a mind. I have spent the majority of my day writing, plotting, ideas just flowing out. I think I finally have the courage to write a memoir. A little bit of fiction and a lot of fact. It should be fun and scary. I look forward to the challenge.


Anonymous said...

what classes did you take in college?

Lindsay said...

Literature, Creative Writing etc...
I graduated with a degree in English and American Literature. I loved every minute of it. You need to be a great reader to be a great writer. But you already know that!
What are you taking? Who are your profs?

Mama said...

These were my thoughts need to pursue your writing. Take those writing workshops, exercise your talent, and keep bouncing your ideas around. You'll do great no matter what!